Vote Obama/Biden!

Democrats Nationally, Libertarians Locally!

Given the incredible road the Republicans have led us down, it is not enough to defeat them. The Republican Party must be replaced.

They have betrayed every principle they ever claimed. Because of the Republicans, we no longer are a free nation. We wage war at a dictator's pleasure with a military that has been trained to torture prisoners, and John McCain wants to bring soldiers directly from those battlefields into our schools as teachers with no training into education, no civilian credentials.

We see a pair of demogogues more ignorant than George W Bush and more hateful than Adolf Hitler himself in the person of Sarah Palin, who was picked by John McCain to promote hatred, ignorance and violence with every speech she makes.

In Obama & Biden we see a steady-headed young man and an experienced leader who understand the gravity of the office they seek. We can trust them not to play lightly with national responsibility and global security.

The Libertarian party is small, and needs to grow. If it grows, it will bring back the common sense of personal freedom that can balance the programs that serve the public good.

Paul Robbins, Rebuffed, Calls For Public Hearing On Voter Access

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Keepin' It Green....

Well, who'da thunk that between the City Council meeting in which the councillors unanimously voted to give $2.3 Billion to a small, untried energy corporation and the next meeting of the same council, the federal goverment and Wall Street would become locked in a drowning victim's death grip as they scramble to save the economy?

Timing is everything, isn't it?

And for all their fervor at the meetings, the great orators are now, nowhere to be found. Neither Skip Cameron's "Bull Creek" group nor Paul Robbins has bothered to reply to a single email from The Austin Egalitarian, even though we'd be more than happy to continue to support their fight, in spite of the fact that we certainly are not from the same "demographic".

And having said that, The Austin Egalitarian has to say we are not going to be that supportive of any more of their loud complaints, no matter how well-founded their criticisms might be.

Why? Because this question of "Green Snobbery" is a big part of what is killing this country. Cameron and Robbins don't care about the environment. They are both prima donnas, happy to dance on the stage while the drama is high, but completely absent from the same stage as soon as it looks like they might have to cross class boundaries in order to actually achieve their supposed goal of protecting the environment and anyone's quality of life.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Approved: Hook, Line, & Sinker....

Opinion: This morning the Austin City Council unanimously approved the $2.3 Billion biomass project. Apparently, the postponement of the decision was not actually to reconsider, but rather to draw straws on which councilor would step to the front to make the motion. Councilor Cole had the dubious honor of making history with that motion today. (Video to come.)

Her decision contained some interesting language. When Councilor Cole made the motion, she prefaced it with comments requesting more input from the companies that had been shut out. The council agreed to require contracts with the other companies, or at least to require discussions. How much will the settlements be, since several of them made credible-sounding cases that they had been wrongfully shut out of a bidding process? One might think that each company could sue for what it lost: $2.3 billion dollars... but of course this is an extreme thought, not even rational.... right?

Councilor Cole provided some nice "bytes" to suggest to her constituents that she was not going along with this decision, but then she became the one who made the actual motion to approve, placing her own name ahead of the other councilors' in the public record that will re-appear each and every time this episode is revisited.

Does Councilor Cole know to what extent she is taking the fall for the rest of them, considering the well-organized opposition that is sure to impact their political careers for a long time to come? And where was Councilor Martinez? Leffingwell's attention to process? Couldn't Shade be brave enough to oppose? And Morrison.... oh, well, I'm sure she'll suggest food stamps as the answer to those concerned about something so low-class and vulgar as money...that was her answer to successful businesses complaints about losing money to batfest, after all.....

Ah, don't you just love consensus! Not one single councilor will be available to support the citizens when we all have to poney up to pay their bills.

The end result of Cole's decision to combine a request for inclusion with the motion to approve is that now the Austin Energy is actually required to give the other companies the same inflated deal they gave the New Hampshire company (BTW, the Austin Statesman keeps referring to the deal as being with "an East Texas company but, Nacogdoches is only the location. It is Jack Welch/GE/Kennedy country that is coming to Texas to burn the Piney Woods...)

Saturday, August 23, 2008

City Hall Is Generating Some Heat!

We could not limit this week's "City Hall Bytes" to one short clip. There is very little for us to say, to editorialize, except that while the level of subterfuge that seems to have characterized Austin's handling of this is high, the strong, rational, and united response on the part of the outraged voters is certainly equal to the task of overcoming that subterfuge.

The City Council will be taking this up again on Thursday, August 28. So if you live in Austin and are concerned about the effect a $2.3billion "pig-in-a-poke" will have on your cost of living in this city, contact City Hall and try to attend the meeting.

We'd also like to say that this issue proves something we've always said: if enough people participate in the democratic process, it is completely unnecessary to promote a "party line" as the only acceptible expression, because the process itself will produce a balanced expression. It is also apparent from the intelligent, reasoned opposition here that the ugly personal rancor of party politics is not necessary to show strength of opposition in local government.

More people need to participate in watching and responding to City Hall, week-in and week-out. It is not hard to do. Austin City Hall provides the material to which we link in our sidebar for your convenience and we'd also like you to know that you can get the full version of the City Hall videos from the Austin History Center.

If even only a third of the population takes the time to track specific issues, a strong democracy will naturally result. Right now less than a tenth are doing this. We need to see that change: no matter what your politics are, make sure you are registered to vote and check in on what is happening in City hall at least once a month!

If you choose to use The Austin Egalitarian as your check-in point, we are gratified. Send an email to theaustinegalitarian--at--gmail--com (you know to put in the @ and dot) and we will be happy to send you a note whenever we update the clips. Let your friends know, too. And don't hesitate to add your comments. We are reaching a growing readership and we don't require log-in to comment. If we have to delete any comments, a note will show that we did (we don't control that) and we would only delete the kind of cussing foolishness that is as pointless as it is offensive, anyway.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Biggest Question: Why The Surprise?

This set of excerpts shows citizens asking the same question several times: "Why the surprise?" It ends with one citizen asking a very pointed question of the biomass company: "Who are you?" and he elicited a very full answer about this tiny, leverage-funded and nameless group of New England-based entrepreneurs with their Bahamas company (a "Delaware corporation", which is something like a tanker sailing under a Liberian flag....)

In the post below we go into our usual connect-the-dots back to New England, and so we were sadly-yet-pleasantly surprised to see the proof in this City Hall pudding. What was NOT said at the meeting: GE is heavily involved in the windpower in New England that this company in Austin refers to as some kind of associated entity (in an obvious attempt to distance itself from its own wood-burning plans), and what is also NOT said is that one of the oil heat companies up there is a community run foundation owned by "Young Joe" Kennedy, the son of Senator Ted Kennedy's eldest brother, Joe, who predeceased JFK.

Really, the citizens of Austin express it best for themselves, and so we refer you to the 8 minutes of video excerpts. No one can blame the business reps for wanting to pitch their game, of course, but we can certainly blame the City Council, especially Councillor Morrison, for not giving the public an earlier "heads up" on this profit-seeking plan to strip East Texas bare.

Oh, and where are all the environmental groups that like to suck up donations and give them to people like Councillor Morrison, hmm? Few of the citizens who spoke claimed any kind of group affiliation at all.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Going up in smoke.....

Austin is considering setting up a giant wood-stove to generate energy.

Yes, I typed this correctly. No, I am not drunk or high or watching the X-Files instead of Channel 6 City TV....

Repeat: Austin is seriously considering building a giant woodstove.

The Public Hearing on August 13th, which will be aired again on Channel 6 on Saturday at 4pm, has interesting euphemisms to prevent the syllabically-challenged from figuring this out. Since most of Texas does not have the kind of terrain that supports individual woodstoves in densely populated areas, which still does exist to a degree in heavily wooded temperate zones, most Texans are not familiar with the heavy presence of "particulate matter" that normally accompanies wood-smoke, a problem that can overcome even the most nostalgic attachment to the aroma of a wood fire on a winter evening....

You know, Austin is not a wooded glen in the Appalachians. And calling the wood "biomass" is even scarier. "Biomass" is a term that has appeared in the modern scientific and political literature referring to the entire "life mass" of all plant, animal, and human life.

It does not make any sense at all for the capital city of one of the oil & gas-producing centers of North America, if not the world, to be considering the erection of this giant BIOMASS-burning facility, unless one is considering some other fuel besides wood....

Of course, in the strange science-fiction-like dystopian world of traditional Nazis, this makes sense. It is an ingenius way for a resurging Hitlerian party to actually get the citizens of Austin to approve and build a crematorium. But of course there are no Nazis left, they were all defeated in WWII, right? And what kind of storuies did they tell the Polish people when they were just building those camps, anyway?

Sure this is extreme-thinking, beyond the fringe, but just the same, let's explore the possibilities just as if the genocidal tenedency of the Nazi party back in the 1940's somehow managed to infest the American political system like a thick-hulled seed that inserted itself into a crack in dry soil and waited years for the right conditions in order to sprout new growth.

Back in the 1940's the German Nazi Party had its supporters, not only among the Germans of Texas, but also among the Irish, Yankee Wasps, and other race-eugenics-conscious populations. While Hollywood depicted the occasional neo-Nazi group as a bizarrely comic cult int he 1960's and 1970's, the Irish Catholics were waging a terrorist bombing war against the English with most of their financing coming from Boston, Massachusetts and Chicago, Illinois. They were sympathizing with the Palestinians and trading skills with Islamic terrorists.

By the 1980's the Irish quieted down and all was forgiven. The US political party most heavily influenced if not controlled by the Irish Catholics was waging terrorist war against civilians in Massachusetts under the guise of Mafia hits, "random" violence, and openly indoctrinating school-children with blood-curdling images of death and genocide paid for with Federal "art" money. All the while, the Catholic civilian population was silenced by sexual blackmail and torn loyalties in the school-integration fight within its dioceses. During this period and earlier, Massachusetts Catholic bishops dismantled the old free-parochial school system that had supported ethnic diversity, upward mobility and multilingual schools. They replaced that system with a money-driven "ecumenical" parochial model that eradicated all ethnic identities while supporting the establishment of a pseudo-ethnicity called "White" by eliminating one of the most powerful supports of healthy diversity. They initiated the new Catholic/WASP/Interfaith model in which the poor are not encouraged to speak up for themselves and attempt to better their lot in life, but the upper classes instead announce from the pulpits that they now are the "voices" of the "voiceless". Hardly a month in any American Catholic or WASP church now goes by without a well-dressed college student or recent graduate in sociology stepping up to announce the need to deliver services to these pathetic souls who are no longer even allowed to have contact with families within the Catholic church. They are no longer "human". They are voiceless commodities.... BIOMASS.

Alongside this somewhat internal look at the politics of the American Catholic church in the 1980's was the rise of the Clinton faction of the Democratic party as well as the rise of anti-human extremism among the far left/anarchist fringe of youth culture. During this period the Irish Mafia in Boston controlled the FBI office through Whitey Bulger while his brother Wiliam Bulger rose on the ranks of Irish power in the South Boston and Dorchester districts to become head of the Massachusetts Supreme Court. The murder of James Bernardo, a 12-year-old Catholic boy, was a backwoods Berkshire incident with curious threads leading back through the corrupt circles described here. That murder was a terrorist incident and all the families in Berkshire County knew it. During that time FBI agents included one named Townes and one named McLaughlin were switched on the Bernardo task force and evidence tampered with, including one NY State trooper being caught attempting to fake fingerprints. READ THIS and THIS and understand that the victim "Sarah Ann Wood" is a co-victim with James Bernardo. Both were killed by Lewis Lent.

Ah, we have digressed. Back to Austin Texas, today: by way of linguistic politics. "Genocide" became "Ethnic Cleansing" under the Clintons. Bear in mind, Hitlery Clinton led certain American "feminists" to a world conference on women's rights in China during its pre-capitalist, most fully totalitarian, phase. Representatives of other women's groups expressed shock at the American feminists' embrace of Chinese official politics, which include sexual genocide: only "useful" females to be kept alive. It appeared inconsistent on the part of American feminists, but by this time the Clintonites had driven all other women out of the feminist ranks.

So Hitlery Clinton's support of those practices do not appear inconsistent to anyone who knows the history of White Wasp Feminism: the Amercian women's right to vote was won on the argument it would double the "White" vote in the face of immigrants, and few "White" feminists among the suffragettes considered that Black Americans would vote, in any case. "Planned Parenthood" has often been cited as having its roots in eugenics more than in how often women choose to give birth. Alongside that, the left-wing GE Project and the left-wing terrorist fringe of the "Weathermen", the ELF and extreme "Greens" all began to move from clean air & water and sustainable resource management to human species-eradication, a truly delusional and crazy fringe cult belief that is in fact affecting young people to an alarming degree. After you read about ELF, read our post from June 18 concerning the speech at City Council about the Governor's Mansion arson. It was given by a child representing the same group that funded the art-propaganda in Massachusetts and which is now trying to control the arts in Austin.

How can this be happening, this open march to genocide? It can be because the crazy extremists do in fact have the upper hand in Washington DC. There is no one at the helm. The crazy elitists believe that they will survive the planet-wide genocides in some kind of personal bubble, and they are managing to pick and choose the target cities.

Alex Jones and his have been flogging this immobile if not dead horse with some really impressive documentaries, but we at the Austin Egalitarian do not share his emotionally paralyzing pessimism. Jones does not offer any kind of hope that the crazy ruling class will simply collapse. He plays into their hands by isolating himself and his supporters from the mainstream, reinforcing their delusion of strength. He seems to believe so strongly in the conspiracy that he believes we can all fight "them" somehow, but in fact there is no "them", there is no "conspiracy". There is a tragic comedy of errors on a global scale that has left the ship of state adrift while everyone looks for life-jackets.

Austin is to go the way of Sarajevo, the art-colony Sarajevo of the 1970's. Surely some readers remember those marvelous traveling art festivals that circulated through our college campusses in the early 1970's, all showing cutting-edge animated art by the Sarajevans? Austin is eerily like that city of Sarajevo.

The Clintonites and some other Democrats are at war with Texas, make no mistake about it. They hate Texas, they fear Texas. Austin is a convenient target because Austin probably has one of the largest communities of exiles from New England in Texas. It will be easy for the Democrats to maneuver a martyr-like assault on the one city that does not conform to the official culture of the rest of Texas, because so many Texans in the countryside are completely unaware of the full history of relations between Texas and Massachusetts, and they hate the part of it they see here, the carpetbagging part. And there may be enough actual modern Nazis throughout Texas to help the Clintonites carry it off, turning Austin into another Auschwitz. Over the years Democrats have helped brainwash the American population into thinking Auschwitz was about Germans hating Jews, and Jews have gone along. But the truth is far from it. Auschwitz was all about scientific population control. The "Jews" were nothing more than the current target at the moment of confrontation with the rest of the world. Had there been no confrontation, the Nazis would have moved on to the rest of the population.

"Biomass" as a fuel is not about burning wood, which in itself is crazy enough. The ultimate confrontation may be that Austin is being set up as a crazy target for the ELF extremists who will bring their violence here, and give the Clintonites the excuse to send in the same kind of troops they sent against the Branch Davidians, but on a larger scale. Don't forget: it was a fundraiser for one of the Clintonite feminist "shelters" who made the hoax call setting off the El Dorado raid. They were hoping for another Waco and they did not get it. Instead, they probably ensured that the actual pedophiles in that community will get off on technicalities while we all know that you can find pedophilic and sexual violence easily in ANY group of 400+, just look at normal crime statistics and do the math. The Clintonites itch for violence, but Texas didn't jump when they scratched that time.

We shouldn't be ready to jump this time, either. All the Austin City Council has to do to yank the rug out from under the deluded Clintonite terrorists is reject the BioMass plant. We can return to realistic sustainable energy plans with that $2.3 billion and spend it on wind and solar alongside better building designs, better mass transit, and more judicious use of oil & gas. And leave the Clintonites to their own devices to try some other way to spark their genocidal civil war.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Bat Fest Brouhaha & Police Wanting Blood?

A most interesting discussion emerged around the question of the upcoming Bat Fest. This festival has been going on since about 2005 and has involved closing down the bridge at South Congress for two days of the Labor Day weekend.

Any college professor who teaches Political Anthropology, (if there is susch a thing) should get the full tape of this segment from Channel 6. It has everything: pathos, drama, spin, money, and the question so many want to dodge: is Austin a city with a vibrant and busy population that actually needs the main traffic arteries to be open on big holidays, or a sleepy country village whose economy is made or broken on one great opportunity to sell t-shirts and helium balloons?

Stay tuned, I'll be reviewing my notes and typing more.

The possibility of the Austin Police Department wanting drivers' blood was raised by a citizen during the noon open mike session. Seems there is a rumor floating around that Austin might make blood tests mandatory for drivers who refuse breathalizers. Mayor Wynn denied any knowledge of such a policy being actively considered, but said that he is aware of a number of other Texas cities that have enacted this law. He said that the reason for it is financial, since positive blood tests result in a 100%guilty rate. He added the interesting note that this is due to drivers always pleading out rather than challenging blood tests in court. And that saves thousands of dollars, he said.

In a perfect world, one could see his point, but in a corrupt world, that is a very scary line of reasoning.(Here, let me mention that I am not a native Texan, but I am an exile from Massachusetts, therefore I naturally see corruption as the status-quo.) Whatever the full story is, we owe a debt of gratitude to that private citizen who ventured forth to use the three-minute mike for shining some light on this rumor while it is early enough to think about it.

And let me repeat my invitation to readers who have special interests to become writers on those topics in City Hall. There is too much for one person to cover in one post, and we need someone willing to spend an hour or two every week looking through the police-related topics and plans, someone who can write a column just on this issue. The email here is, so let me know if this tugs at your heart-strings. Austin needs you. And if you are a journalism student, this blog will look good in your resume *wink, wink*....

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Summer Break is Over!

City Council is back in action and so is the Egalitarian. I've added video and hope to start bringing some original tape, as well. For now I grabbed a piece off the City's own service and got permission from Dave Matustik over at Channel 6/City Hall to use this video-quote of Mayor Will Wynn making a very important point for all Texans. This clip was originally produced by City Hall Channel 6 and is being used with their permission. Other uses of City Hall tape will be under normal "journalistic use" standards, which allow use of short clips (less than a minute) to illustrate or document original material.

City Council Approves $2.3 Billion Biomass Project, 7 to 0

Who Is Getting The Money?

Baycorp Holdings of Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

According to an article in Business Wire, "BayCorp is an unregulated energy holding company incorporated in Delaware. BayCorp currently has wholly owned subsidiaries that include Nacogdoches Gas, LLC, which owns and develops interests in natural gas and oil production in Nacogdoches County, Texas; Benton Falls Associates, L.P., the owner and operator of a hydroelectric generating facility in Benton, Maine; Great Bay Hydro Corporation, which owns and operates a hydroelectric generating facility in Newport, Vermont; Great Bay Power Marketing, Inc., which purchases and markets power on the open market and Nacogdoches Power, LLC, which owns the development rights to the Sterne Power Project in Nacogdoches, Texas. BayCorp also holds a majority interest in HoustonStreet Exchange, Inc., which operates, an internet-based independent crude oil and refined petroleum products trading exchange. Sloan Group Ltd. is a privately-held international business corporation headquartered in the Bahamas."

Paul Robbins and Skip Cameron Fought Hard

Austin, Texas: Aug. 28, 2008:After hearing more objections from Austinites and hearing one clarification by Austin Energy that the contract is "take and pay", not "take or pay", the City Council moved to approve. Councilor Cole asked that discussions be set up with American BioRefinery, one of the companies who complained of the aborted bidding process, but she did not mention the other companies. Councillors Shade and Morrison commented on the process having been less than perfect. In other business, City Council moved to make inquiries into campaign and electoral practices. See videos from the earlier meetings below and in the sidebar.

The $2.3 Billion Potlatch, August 21, Part 1

In which the Judge assures the Mayor nobody is opposed, and the Mayor complains that won't be any fun...

August 21, Parts 2 & 3

In which Ms. Davenport assures the Mayor there's going to be a lot of fun and a retired engineer pours ethanol into the slots...

Parts 4 & 5

In which Paul Robbins discovers he's on the other side and Bill Bunch asks a question...

Parts 6 & 7:

In which the Company's Consultant talks about the voices in his head and the Company's banker says 75 of his friends love the idea...

Parts 8 & 9:

In which Mr. Cameron smells gas and Mr. Groton shines a light into the fog...

City Hall Bytes

more video soon... please subscribe to theaustinegalitarian --at-- gmail-dot-com for updates!

Requiem for the Arts in Austin

Articles 59 and 30 brought public comment that signalled a complete take-over of all artistic activity in Austin by a new division.

Coincidentally, a group of artists from the Renaissance Faire on "The Drag" at 23rd street showed up to protest having been given notice 2 days ago that their commission is being abolished. This group says it has paid for its space and generated income to the city, taking only 80% of its proceeds and paying its own way. Participants have paid $200 a year for their space. The Council postponed the decision for a week, but their discussion with Commissioner Klineman, who spoke on behalf of the Rennaisance Faire, did not suggest any reversal should be expected.

We also have heard from a source that the Austin Figurative Gallery on Chicon Street is closing down as of Sunday, on very short notice and without explanation. That is an independent artists group that has not taken any City money. Is something suddenly afoot in the arts community?

Update, 6/21/08: Dave Ohlerking said "the only way 'art authorities' can have any control over me is to offer free welfare-type money. I don't go for that. Horse barn days are over ....If we're patient all of this will end up good."

Regarding City hall, see posts below. Recognize that you can link directly to the City Clerk's posted agendas and minutes of all meetings in our sidebar links, and check Channel 6 for viewing schedules.