Vote Obama/Biden!

Democrats Nationally, Libertarians Locally!

Given the incredible road the Republicans have led us down, it is not enough to defeat them. The Republican Party must be replaced.

They have betrayed every principle they ever claimed. Because of the Republicans, we no longer are a free nation. We wage war at a dictator's pleasure with a military that has been trained to torture prisoners, and John McCain wants to bring soldiers directly from those battlefields into our schools as teachers with no training into education, no civilian credentials.

We see a pair of demogogues more ignorant than George W Bush and more hateful than Adolf Hitler himself in the person of Sarah Palin, who was picked by John McCain to promote hatred, ignorance and violence with every speech she makes.

In Obama & Biden we see a steady-headed young man and an experienced leader who understand the gravity of the office they seek. We can trust them not to play lightly with national responsibility and global security.

The Libertarian party is small, and needs to grow. If it grows, it will bring back the common sense of personal freedom that can balance the programs that serve the public good.

Paul Robbins, Rebuffed, Calls For Public Hearing On Voter Access

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Bat Fest Brouhaha & Police Wanting Blood?

A most interesting discussion emerged around the question of the upcoming Bat Fest. This festival has been going on since about 2005 and has involved closing down the bridge at South Congress for two days of the Labor Day weekend.

Any college professor who teaches Political Anthropology, (if there is susch a thing) should get the full tape of this segment from Channel 6. It has everything: pathos, drama, spin, money, and the question so many want to dodge: is Austin a city with a vibrant and busy population that actually needs the main traffic arteries to be open on big holidays, or a sleepy country village whose economy is made or broken on one great opportunity to sell t-shirts and helium balloons?

Stay tuned, I'll be reviewing my notes and typing more.

The possibility of the Austin Police Department wanting drivers' blood was raised by a citizen during the noon open mike session. Seems there is a rumor floating around that Austin might make blood tests mandatory for drivers who refuse breathalizers. Mayor Wynn denied any knowledge of such a policy being actively considered, but said that he is aware of a number of other Texas cities that have enacted this law. He said that the reason for it is financial, since positive blood tests result in a 100%guilty rate. He added the interesting note that this is due to drivers always pleading out rather than challenging blood tests in court. And that saves thousands of dollars, he said.

In a perfect world, one could see his point, but in a corrupt world, that is a very scary line of reasoning.(Here, let me mention that I am not a native Texan, but I am an exile from Massachusetts, therefore I naturally see corruption as the status-quo.) Whatever the full story is, we owe a debt of gratitude to that private citizen who ventured forth to use the three-minute mike for shining some light on this rumor while it is early enough to think about it.

And let me repeat my invitation to readers who have special interests to become writers on those topics in City Hall. There is too much for one person to cover in one post, and we need someone willing to spend an hour or two every week looking through the police-related topics and plans, someone who can write a column just on this issue. The email here is, so let me know if this tugs at your heart-strings. Austin needs you. And if you are a journalism student, this blog will look good in your resume *wink, wink*....

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City Council Approves $2.3 Billion Biomass Project, 7 to 0

Who Is Getting The Money?

Baycorp Holdings of Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

According to an article in Business Wire, "BayCorp is an unregulated energy holding company incorporated in Delaware. BayCorp currently has wholly owned subsidiaries that include Nacogdoches Gas, LLC, which owns and develops interests in natural gas and oil production in Nacogdoches County, Texas; Benton Falls Associates, L.P., the owner and operator of a hydroelectric generating facility in Benton, Maine; Great Bay Hydro Corporation, which owns and operates a hydroelectric generating facility in Newport, Vermont; Great Bay Power Marketing, Inc., which purchases and markets power on the open market and Nacogdoches Power, LLC, which owns the development rights to the Sterne Power Project in Nacogdoches, Texas. BayCorp also holds a majority interest in HoustonStreet Exchange, Inc., which operates, an internet-based independent crude oil and refined petroleum products trading exchange. Sloan Group Ltd. is a privately-held international business corporation headquartered in the Bahamas."

Paul Robbins and Skip Cameron Fought Hard

Austin, Texas: Aug. 28, 2008:After hearing more objections from Austinites and hearing one clarification by Austin Energy that the contract is "take and pay", not "take or pay", the City Council moved to approve. Councilor Cole asked that discussions be set up with American BioRefinery, one of the companies who complained of the aborted bidding process, but she did not mention the other companies. Councillors Shade and Morrison commented on the process having been less than perfect. In other business, City Council moved to make inquiries into campaign and electoral practices. See videos from the earlier meetings below and in the sidebar.

The $2.3 Billion Potlatch, August 21, Part 1

In which the Judge assures the Mayor nobody is opposed, and the Mayor complains that won't be any fun...

August 21, Parts 2 & 3

In which Ms. Davenport assures the Mayor there's going to be a lot of fun and a retired engineer pours ethanol into the slots...

Parts 4 & 5

In which Paul Robbins discovers he's on the other side and Bill Bunch asks a question...

Parts 6 & 7:

In which the Company's Consultant talks about the voices in his head and the Company's banker says 75 of his friends love the idea...

Parts 8 & 9:

In which Mr. Cameron smells gas and Mr. Groton shines a light into the fog...

City Hall Bytes

more video soon... please subscribe to theaustinegalitarian --at-- gmail-dot-com for updates!

Requiem for the Arts in Austin

Articles 59 and 30 brought public comment that signalled a complete take-over of all artistic activity in Austin by a new division.

Coincidentally, a group of artists from the Renaissance Faire on "The Drag" at 23rd street showed up to protest having been given notice 2 days ago that their commission is being abolished. This group says it has paid for its space and generated income to the city, taking only 80% of its proceeds and paying its own way. Participants have paid $200 a year for their space. The Council postponed the decision for a week, but their discussion with Commissioner Klineman, who spoke on behalf of the Rennaisance Faire, did not suggest any reversal should be expected.

We also have heard from a source that the Austin Figurative Gallery on Chicon Street is closing down as of Sunday, on very short notice and without explanation. That is an independent artists group that has not taken any City money. Is something suddenly afoot in the arts community?

Update, 6/21/08: Dave Ohlerking said "the only way 'art authorities' can have any control over me is to offer free welfare-type money. I don't go for that. Horse barn days are over ....If we're patient all of this will end up good."

Regarding City hall, see posts below. Recognize that you can link directly to the City Clerk's posted agendas and minutes of all meetings in our sidebar links, and check Channel 6 for viewing schedules.